Issue What it means
You need to input your licence key. You haven’t entered your licence key and can’t use premium functions.
You need to input a range of data (up to a maximum of 3,000 rows). You need to input a range of keywords into the function. Check that you’re not using a string. For example use: A1:A1000 instead of “A1:A1000”.
Range is empty or has empty cells. You need to input a full range of data (up to a maximum of 3,000 rows) You need to select a range of keywords without any empty cells. This can happen when selecting the entire column of data.
Can't get search volume data for your keywords. Please check your location. No credits have been used. You have likely entered an invalid location. Please use the =locations() formula to see all valid locations. If your location is valid and you’re still receiving the error, please get in touch.
Please enter valid format (volume, row or data studio). You have entered an invalid format. Please use row, volume or data studio.
You do not have enough credits for this request. You need to update your credits to continue using the search volume function.